Al Sawadir Trading & Import LLC.

Al Sawadir Trading & Import is considered one of the major companies in the trading and importing field locally, which is located in Saham State and that is another subsidiary of Al-Badi Investment Group.

Al-Badi Contracting highly depends on Al Sawadir Trading & Import as their main suppliers of all raw materials needed for projects undertaken by Al-Badi Contracting. Additionally, Al Sawadir is the main supplier for all the group’s companies as they provide them with most of the necessary materials needed in the implementation of their own projects along with government projects.


The company was founded on the 11th of October 1994 and it is specialized in the following businesses:


  • Selling and importing construction materials, electrical and sanitary materials along with their extensions.
  • Providing local companies with the needed construction materials, electrical and sanitary materials.
  • Selling and importing various types of food.
  • Selling and importing various types of industrial equipment and machinery needed by corporations and small-medium enterprises (SMEs) as well as large corporations in the Sultanate.


The company developed their activities and expanded their business; consequently, they have a number of exclusive agencies commercially from outside the Sultanate, such as:


  • Connie for cranes Company (Finland).
  • Saudi company supplies (for construction kits).
  • Sadolin Paints Company.
  • Sharq Sohar Steel Company.
  • Nero Pipe Company (Italy)


Sales outlets of the company are:


  • Externally (Dubai), United Arab Emirates.
  • Internally (various governorates of the Sultanate and US markets)